The MC Needs Your Urgent Support
It’s been over a year since the COVID-19 pandemic started and the Muslim Chaplaincy has seen a significant rise in demand for our mental health counselling services. We hired additional Chaplains and staff to handle the increased demand while also expanding our services across all Ontario universities.
Since it’s foundation, the MC has always kept our counselling sessions FREE for students to make it easily accessible for them. This means that we rely primarily on support from donors to continue providing our services. While demand for our services are growing, we have seen a huge drop in donations for the past year putting the financially sustainability of our organization at great risk. We ask that you find it in your heart to contribute whatever amounts you can by donating below, may Allah reward you immensely.
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month Nov 2022
The Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto works to provide a safe, sacred and trauma-sensitive space. Our chaplains are shepherds of spiritual care and create spaces for community-building, relationship building and access to free mental health counselling.
For the Month of November, support the Muslim Chaplaincy in continuing to provide healing spaces for women survivors of abuse. We’re seeking 1000 generous donors like you to contribute $20 and help us raise $20,000 by the end of the month.
The Muslim Chaplaincy
Donors can also send e-transfers to if required. The Muslim Chaplaincy of Toronto is a registered Canadian Charity with BN 80275 2709 RR0001. Please note that we will issue tax receipts next year for this year’s donations.